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Friday, March 5, 2010

When Should You Begin Teaching Your Child to Read?

It's never too early to read the beginning of teaching your child, or at least the foundations for early literacy skills, and it can definitely be left too late!

If you are not sure, then you think about it. Statistically, more American children suffer long-term damage caused by the lifelong process of learning than from parental abuse, accidents, read, and combines all the other childhood diseases and disorders. In purely economic terms, reading related difficulties cost our nationmore than the war against terrorism, crime and drugs together.

Reading problems are a further challenge for our world by a substantial contribution to the maintenance of socio-economic, racial and ethnic disparities. However, it is not just poor and minority children who struggle with reading. After the 2002 national report card in reading by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), most of our children (64%) less than skills in reading, even after 12 years of ourAttempts to teach.

Even without knowing these worrisome statistics we know that literacy is essential for success - not only scientifically, but in life. As the American Federal of Teachers states: "No other player taught in school and learned by school children is more important than reading. It is the gateway to all other knowledge. Teacher-student will read to the end of the third class, the most important task assigned to elementary schools. Those who learn to readwith ease in the early grades have a foundation to build on the new knowledge. Those who are not sentenced to repeated cycles of frustration and failure. "

More than any other person or ability, our kids futures are, how well they learn, determined to read.

Reading is absolutely fundamental. It has been said so often that it became meaningless, but it does not negate the truth. In our society, in our world, hands over the inability to read, children to fail in school andAdult passes to the lowest strata of job and life opportunities.

And just when we thought the operation could not be higher in the past decade, educational research findings have found that children have to learn to read as well, yet another, even more life-forms that follow. Most children begin to learn, while reading a profoundly formative phase in their development. As they begin to learn to read, they also learn to think abstractly. You learn how to learn, and they areExperience emotionally charged feelings about who they are and how well they learn.

What does this mean? Most children who struggle with reading blame themselves. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, teaches the process of learning to read, these children are ashamed - ashamed to be ashamed of their minds - how they learn.

And the sad truth is that they have nothing to be ashamed. As Dr. Grover Whitehurst, Director Instituteof Education Sciences, Assistant Secretary of Education, says U.S. Department of Education (2003): "Reading failure for nearly every child is the child's failure, it is the failure of policy makers, the failure of schools, the failure of teachers and the failure of the parents. We need to reconceptualize what to learn to read it, too, and who is responsible for the success, if we are going to deal with the problem. "

Will you wait for policy makers to find a solution?Do you have the confidence that they? Or would you prefer to ensure that the task correctly when you are done at no charge?

I know what my answer, because I see first hand my brother's life difficult to know, what can an irrevocable impact a reading struggle early in life to make. You can sign your child for life!

I am not promising that your child can learn to read early or that they do not experience difficulties. Finally, there is a significant number of childrenSuffering from learning difficulties. These children struggle. However, early education can alleviate their suffering and to handle the fight a bit easier. At least you will know that you all what you have to help your child and your child will be so good, you know. That can not be wasted effort!

And you have a head start on every educator because you know your child - herr temperament, their strengths and their weaknesses. They are bestequipped to begin teaching your child.

So we come back to the central question-When should begin your child's reading education? Read Traditional American Education models call for teaching a child aged between 7-9. Obviously we can not start teaching reading as a newborn. However, we can begin in childhood, the foundation for literacy, place the stop at the conclusion of your child a stronger reader.

Literacy is defined as a person Ability to read, write and speak English, to compute and solve problems that require a level of skills to the labor market function in the family of the individual and in society.

Many of the simple things that we at home with our children to develop literacy, so that you are already in the workplace so that your child read and write, even if you are not active at the beginning of the process to teach your child to read . These include simple activities such as reading to your'Child, reciting rhymes kindergarten and singing songs.

But what if you do not want active at a subscriber? There are many things you can do, and it does not mean that you need to invest hundreds of dollars in an expensive reading program to. It's not really necessary to spend much money at all to teach your child to read at home or at least your child is well prepared for the start of reading instruction in school. Most parents already have the tools to help you in yourHome start today!

That is why I emphasize that it is never too early to get started if you are with your child's development and learning fun and interesting but also challenging work.

My main strategy as an educator is to create learning opportunities and then to lift them out of the way to my students so that they can learn. Learning is an active experience that should participate fully in the participants. I believe that when I teach "that the student is only passively involved inthe learning process. I see myself more as a guide and a resource than a teacher in my class. I have taken this approach with the formation of my son and it has been very successful.

We have various learning toys and aids in our house and there are many lessons taking place every day (at home and away), but I have never drilled him on facts or even used flashcards.

If you find ways to make learning fun and exciting, something that your child really wants to do withYou start, then as soon as possible.

Your child will be ample opportunity for dry lectures, mind-numbing repetitive exercises, lessons and boring as they get older, so do not even go there. If you do not even go there not learning fun and play more than work, then. They hope to trust your child's education to the professional and the best. Remember, there are many wonderful teachers out there, so that you child is not doomed to failure, even if you do not. intervene However, the system is not a success, and it is likely that at some point during the process, your child may adversely affect it! That's why I take an active role in my child's education.

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