Book > child publishing

Friday, March 12, 2010

Leave Our Kids Alone

A report by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the University of New Hampshire showed that among a sample of children and adolescents who use the Internet:

1 of 5 children - Solicited for sex in the past year.

Asked for 1 in 33 children - Aggressively sexual, which means that the child was threatened, asked to meet, called on the telephone or receive e-mail or gifts.

1 of 4 children - Exposed to have sex pictures of people, includingwhen about 1 / 3 of the households reported "Internet blocking software."

1 in 17 children - threatened or harassed on the Internet, including threats of harm to the child, friends or other family members.

Unfortunately there are currently free, will not distribute obscene sexual content, adult, children online, without legal recourse. This creates the following irony: publishers and distributors of pornographic magazines or videos legally prohibited from selling,renting, or displaying them at children in a bookstore or video store, but the same publishers and retailers are legally sell or display the same magazines and videos for children online.

There have been several press reports of pedophiles with chat rooms to lure children into face to face meetings. According to a recent national newspaper report, chat rooms are the most popular activities for children on the Internet, but most of unsupervised chat rooms. Many of them are "private", only accessibleInvitation and special passwords (the children are provided by e-mail or instant-type messages on the screen of a specific child).

Due to the use of chat rooms, adult strangers have a direct one-on-one access to our children. The "safe" environment at home, combined with natural confidence of our children could cause them to forget that these people are strangers. This makes it easier for pedophiles to prey on children who never talk to a stranger in the "realWorld. "

Video Police investigators when they themselves as teenage girls in chat rooms, they are often approached by strangers making sexual advances. In addition, an online pedophile community, where they can check their behavior other like-minded individuals and share information and "tricks of the trade-minded people have created."

One of the biggest deterrent to pedophiles face is the fear of being caught, and walk the threat and danger, were arrested.

Parentsbear the main responsibility for teaching their children to be wise and safe Internet users. To achieve this, parents, practical and helpful resources, safety tips and technology need to be aware of.

Ultimately, the involvement of parents for a successful online experience is critical - as is any other pitfalls of life such as alcohol or drug abuse to avoid. Parents must educate their children about online safety, including the possibility of encounters with pedophiles, which means thatParents themselves must become familiar with the medium.

There is software available online that can take these predators and to secure to stop your children from these sick people.

And while this software can not stop predatory pedophiles from the hunt for children on the Internet, it provides an essential for your children by saving monitory on their Internet activities.

If a pedophile has an online conversation with your child, the software recordsEntertainment, including incriminating evidence, and any personal or contact information that you give your child.

This software can also capture the images that could leave your children in order to chat with

You can then read on both sides of the conversation. Here you can see if your child is approaching or had a conversation with someone they do not, you will then be able to act accordingly and to report thereon to prevent local law enforcement agencies and them away with your child.

Is it wrong to spy on your children?

No, of course, some people have a different opinion, but we know that in today's "sexually charged" environment, it's just a matter of time until your child is exposed to things, people or situations that they should not.

If your child "monitoring" s are online activities, you are not espionage, you as a responsible parent and the acquisition of people and images that your attack> Child every day.

To survive the people who might not agree with me, and that the use of software as "espionage", then we say to them: "If it keeps your child safe, so what?"

If "intelligence" on what will help your children do online to keep it and protect my family, they shall no harm no foul.

Even if you do not have online sex offender concerned (and should) teen peer pressure is extremely intense in those days. Monitor your children will help them keep out of troubletoo.

There are many software packages from the Internet to check the suits you.The one know a iam for my children to safety, called the Tattletale the link is in my blog may very well preserved. Luckily I did not harbor doubts, but for my wife and I, knowing it is that children are sure to enjoy the Internet, which for them is a wonderful resource for studying and chatting with real friends.

To make sure your children are in their own homes safely buy, and some goodSoftware, to protect them, it will stop these sick people to ruin your children's life.

But remember, parents should not expect that all bear the responsibility of this task alone. To share the Internet to a secure, educational and entertaining for children, who are responsible (by the public, parents, teachers or other persons), the technology industry and law enforcement authorities. Everyone must have their share of responsibility and act with dueDiligence. With this commitment to the community, the Internet is not only a rewarding place for children, but also a safe and a.


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