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Monday, July 26, 2010

Teach Your Child the Unwritten Rules of Email - Top 10 Email Realities

Of all the applications on the Internet, e-mail is the most popular, and perhaps the most important. If your child by e-mail can master the basics, he or she is probably a very easy time with any other type of online communication. Almost everyone who is regularly online, so it is advantageous that, 's to know your child, as well as use e-mail and. If you take the time to remind your child about the realities on the following e-mail, online life isbe much easier for both of you.

1st Email is an insecure communication: Treat an e-mail as a postcard, and assume that someone else than the person in the situation, it is read.

2nd E-mail can not be retrieved: Once an e-mail was sent, it is from the sender has no control. You still have less control if determined by the recipient, the e-mail leads to others.

3rd E-mail is forever: the sender, the recipient, and any computer system with the transmission of e-mail copies must be involved,and there is no way to know how long those copies will remain around. Remind your child think twice before writing something that may be embarrassing five years, ten or twenty from now.

4th E-mail should be taken seriously: many of the laws and traditions connected with correspondence apply to e-mail.

5th The contents of an e-mail can be protected by copyright: This means that the person's e-mail can control how it can be used wrote. This applies to the United Statesand for countries with similar copyright laws.

6th Not every e-mail you receive deserves an answer: If a response is not expected or required not to respond.

7th Not every recipient of your e-mail sends a reply: If a reply is expected, ask the recipient to send to one.

8th Freedom of speech has its limits: The regulations and laws that restrict freedom of expression apply to e-mail.

9th Pay attention to the rules: Follow the rules, that, your ISP, school or organizationhave about sending and receiving e-mail.

10th E-mail is not gone: Email is likely to remain an important method of communication. Make sure your child is easily via e-mail with and knows how to use responsibly.

Children, especially boys new to the Internet, have not all of these realities to understand it the first time use e-mail, but by the time they are in high school, they should be aware of all these realities. It may help you remember yourChild that each time he or she sends via e-mail or must end, decisions are made more difficult or that can make life online easier. Keeping these realities in mind to help your child have an easier time online.

Other Resources

The book Parenting and the Internet (Speed Brake Publishing, 2007) by Todd Curtis has additional suggestions about how to teach your child to send e-mail use, as well as how to search engine with a. Visit for http://speedbrake.comFor more information about the book. You can also where additional resources, such as your e-mail and other online resources are available to visit.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Online Privacy and Your Child - Key Things Every Parent Should Know

The Internet is a very social medium. In the United States, more than half of the adult population regularly goes online, and an even larger percentage of adolescents and preteens the Internet make it a regular habit. Part of the habit provides steps to protect your privacy. If you do not do this, you could, given the privacy of all kinds of problems, from junk e-mails to online predators.

Parents have to develop two important roles in the protection of privacy of children, helping them to good online habits, andSteps to ensure that each computer or online service uses that a child 'is set child is protected, that's private information. Knowing the basics about online privacy, and to know some of what type of information should be protected by measures which help parents make the right decisions when it comes to their child online.

What does privacy mean?

A simple definition of privacy in this context is the ability to control the type and quantity ofothers have access to your personal information and the level of control that allow you to others about your online experience.

Why online privacy is important

Do private and personal information is important to control who spends time online. If you or your family do not take action, at least some basic steps to protect your online privacy, you can increase the risk of one or more of the following privacy threats:

* Will be posted on large quantitiesof unsolicited e-mails.

* A victim of identity theft.

* Exposure to large quantities of online advertising

* Unauthorized access to your computer or to an online account.

* Unauthorized bank or credit card activity.

Examples of private information

Private information does not include information about your life or your child's life, you want to control it. This is information that could be in the wrong hands to bring unwanted attentionor that might put you or your child to emotional, financial, physical or risk. A partial list of this type of information would include:

* Age

* Date of Birth

* Current or previous address

* Current or former employer

* Current or former phone numbers

* Current or former schools

* Email addresses

* Financial Information

* Gender

* Information needed to access to computers, computer networks or online services

*Lifestyle information such as timetables, group affiliations, clubs, favorite activities and information about personal relationships

* Medical information

* Mother's Maiden Name

* Name, nickname or initials

* Social Security number or other information from the Government issued photo ID

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

City Harvest Church: "In Your House" Worship Song Music Video*

A worship song Music Video * performance by Calvin Ho, Worship Leader at the City Harvest Church led in Singapore called "In Your House". In 1989, Kong felt the call of God in full time Christian service contact. Kong had, until then, graduated with a degree in computer science from the National University of Singapore and was working for a publisher. Having had several small but successful evangelistic campaigns in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines, Hong Kong would become aitinerant evangelist in support of the churches in Southeast Asia. In April this year, he left the Anglican church he attended since he was a child and now as a staff evangelist with "Christ for Asia, a Singapore-based missions organization. After leaving his local community and the entrance to a walk of faith in the mission, gathered a group of young people that Kong had previously served around him. They wanted him to be their shepherd, to pastor and lead them. Withthe support and encouragement from many senior pastors in the city decided Kong to spearhead a new job, and so aside his desire to journey Minister. Kong is in Asia as a dynamic speaker known, the message of faith in a very relevant and contemporary way. He has a strong vision of the 21st Century, strong leaders who would plant local churches throughout Asia to train. Every week, his half-hour television program "Harvest Time" is many times in broadcast145 ...

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Steven Kellogg - 2009 National Book Festival

Children's author and illustrator Steven Kellogg appear at National Book Festival. Speaker Biography: Steven Kellogg has picture books, since he was a child, loved the illustrations of Beatrix Potter and NC Wyeth were his early favorites. He grew up in Connecticut, drawing constantly and telling stories to his younger sisters. He has written or illustrated, or both, almost 90 books for children and young people. The latest book he has shown "The Pied Piper's Magic"(2009).

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Assessment Systems in Children

Assessment systems are different in kind, the best are the person to enable systems, a range of information about a child or young person will be collected. This gives an overall picture and plan the best way to clear the starting point for development.

Other systems are more to the collection of information on one or two aspects (eg, behavior or perception) and focused tracking it over time. Ideally, you would search for a system that a series of information are collected and activated, self-selfComparisons over time, so that both you and a child could see were concepts such as developing them further.

The big question, of course, what do you want to be judged? It sounds obvious, but often we are not as clear as we have to be about know that you think it through and be sure you know what it / they are and what your goals are for the assessment process. Without that you will be much less effective. Any evaluation system that you could put in place to deal with a component thatallows a child or young person to assess himself. Before moving to the implementation of your assessment system, make sure that this item is available.

There is empowerment for the young person.
Another element that is empowering for children and young people to have a strengths-based approach to the assessment process. Make sure they understand that you will find out together, their strengths, because you know that the fact that you can helpthey will be successful learners. Most children are using assessments done to show their weaknesses pin and looked at it from the other direction is a breath of fresh air for her.

Assessment systems for the behavior, cognition, communication skills, aspects of mental health, literacy and numeracy are very easily available and most publishers can help test and recommend tools for various aspects. If you have a suite of tools that you have found useful, it is worthwhile to holdthem and it's worth it even with short sessions on the use of them in staff meetings or recurring meetings, so that each consistent with the same toll. That really helps a system more in the information that you can win. If you assessment tools for less easily quantifiable aspects such as emotional and social skills, self-esteem and self-efficacy you to find a portfolio of profiles available. The inclusion of these aspects in a holisticAssessment system, it can give very valuable information, which is well suited to a strengths-based approach.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Derek autism 2/6

ABC Radio National 6th December 2008 What is autism? Of all the mental states in 2008 reassessed autism and Asperger's have to come in near the top. Wendy Barnaby visits the Royal Society in London to learn from international experts - and it also meets a brilliant young pianist with Asperger's who, as he plays so well, but needs help for everyday life explained. Guest Derek Paravacini Adam Ockelford Roehampton University London Professor of Music Emeritus Uta FrithCognitive Development at University College London Professor Patricia Howlin Professor of Clinical Child Psychology Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London Francesca Happ? Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College London Temple Grandin, Professor of Animal Science Colorado State University Allan Snyder, director of the Centre of the Mind University of Simon Baron-Cohen, Director Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge Douwe Draaisma Professor of the History of Psychology University of Groningen, Netherlands Ian Hacking, Professor Emeritus at the College de France in Paris More information films are the van by Simon Baron-Cohen used to empathize with young children to help autism - a personal story - Audio-dur 7.58 autobiographies ofPeople with autism: no one ...

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