Book > child publishing

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Petey SouthGate Raid taken to Animal Hospital

The All American "Pit Bull" - symbolically in U.S. history as the number one favorite family dog in loyalty, intelligence, willingness to obey and please popular for their love for man - man, woman and child. Petey got into the wrong people's hands in a South Gate - Los Angeles, CA, boarding school, where the owner uses customer kennel fee money for other things besides taking care of their dogs. Petey is an example of what a healthy beautiful dog would after check-in view GreenDogKennels, then climbed and not check out. We should thank CBS or a news channel for the publication of the raid on Marc De Luna's kennel? Petey's "owner" saw your clip and I have been contacted in order to save his life. Finally, we are grateful for media coverage: You are responsible for saving his life. Our heart goes out they had to be put down to those who had gone that far. You see Petey's movie clip on a follow-up doctor's appointment to the results of his fecal test that was checkedpositive for Giardia. Giardia is highly contagious to humans or other dogs, but after days of medication, he may have won the battle with these nasty parasites. Petey's heartworm test was negative, but he still has a heart Murmer, we'll check again in a week. Skin scrapings showed positive and negative for demodex sarcoptic mange, but the doctor is almost certain mange is there, so we continue our daily medications. No Parvo-one less thing to worry! Severe mental andphysically ...

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