Impact on child development, brain development, psychopathology, and interpersonal relations
Neglect, abuse and sexual abuse (commonly called physical, child abuse) have profound and long-term effects on a child's development. The long-term effects of chronic early maltreatment in a caring relationship (including complex post-traumatic stress disorder) of a child psychiatric disorders can be seen in higher, higherRates of drug abuse and a variety of serious relationship problems. Child abuse is a problem between the generations. The most frequent perpetrators of abuse and neglect will be deeply people who abused and neglected even damaged.
There are clear links between neglect and abuse and later psychological, emotional, behavioral and interpersonal problems. The basis for this connection is the impact that abuse and neglect have on brain development. DanielSiegel, medical director of the Infant and Preschool Service at the University of California, LA, has found important links between interpersonal experiences and neurobiological development.
We know that a child uses the parents 'state to' regulate the mind, the child's own mental processes. It is a sensitive, responsive and caring relationship with a primary caregiver that a child develops behavioral self-regulation skills, emotional control,Regulation, and cognitive skills such as cause-effect thinking, among others. The child's developing capacity to regulate emotions and develop a coherent sense of self required to respond sensitively and parenthood. The National Adoption Center found that 52% of children Adoptable attachment disorder have symptoms. In another study by Cicchetti, & Barnett, abused or maltreated infants exhibited 80% attachment disorder symptoms. The best predictor of a child 's system Classification is the state of mind regarding attachment of the biological mother. A birth mother plant classification before the birth of her child can predict age with 80% accuracy her child's classification system for six years. This is a remarkable finding. Finally, recent research by Mary Dozier, Ph.D. found that the plant classification of a nursing mother's child has a profound influence on the classification of the plant. She found that the> Child's classification system is similar to the foster mother to three months in placement. These findings are away for a strong non-genetic mechanism for the transmission of attachment patterns across generations.
Children who have been sexually abused are significant risk of developing anxiety disorders (2.0 times the average), depressive disorders (3.4 times average), alcohol abuse (2.5 times the average), drug abuse (3,8 - times the average) and anti-socialBehavior (4.3 times the average).
In general, the left hemisphere of the brain is the side of language, motor activity on the right side of the body, and is based on logical thinking language. The right hemisphere of brain responsible for motor activity on the left side of body, context perceptions, face, interpersonal and emotional processing and holistic perception. The orbitofrontal cortex (the part of the brain, just behind the eyes) is responsible for integratingemotional reactions in the limbic system with higher cognitive functions such as planning and language generated in the cortex of the prefrontal lobes. The left orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for the creation of memory, whereas the right orbitofrontal cortex is responsible for retrieving memories. Healthy functioning requires an integrated right and left hemisphere. A significant number of synaptic connections between brain cells develop during the first year of life in the middle of the secondYears of life. An integrated brain requires connections between the hemispheres through the corpus callosum. Abused and neglected children have smaller corpus callosum than non abused children. Abused and neglected children have poorly integrated cerebral hemispheres. This poor integration of hemispheres and underdevelopment of the orbitofrontal cortex is the basis for such symptoms as difficulty regulating emotion, lack of cause-effect thinking, inability to recognize emotions accurately, in otherChild's "inability to articulate of the child's own feelings, an incoherent self-esteem and autobiographical story, and a lack of conscience.
The brains of abused children are not integrated as good as the brains of non-abused children. That helps explain why abused children with major difficulties of emotional regulation, have built-in function, and social development. Conscience development and the capacity for empathy are largely functions of theorbitofrontal cortex. If the development is impaired in this area of the brain, there are important social and emotional difficulties. It is very interesting that the orbitofrontal cortex is sensitive to facial recognition and eye contact. Abused children often failures of the plant due to their birth parents deficiency are more sensitive interactions with the child.
Early interpersonal experiences have a profound effect on the brain because the brain circuitsresponsible for social perception are the same as those that integrate such functions, such as the creation of meaning, the regulation of body temperature states, the regulation of emotions, the organization of memory and the capacity for interpersonal communication and empathy. Incriminating experiences that are obvious trauma or chronic cause chronic elevated levels of neuroendocrine hormones. High concentrations of these hormones can cause permanent damage to the hippocampus, which is critical for memory. Based onwe can assume that psychological trauma can the ability to create a person and to keep memory and trauma affect impede resolution.
Abused and neglected children show a variety of behaviors that can lead to any number of diagnoses. However, effects of early abuse and neglect to child development can be seen in several critical areas. These areas include emotional regulation, behavioral regulation, attachment, biology, response flexibility, a coherent integrated senseof self through time, the ability to engage in affect attunement with significant others (empathy and emotional connectedness), self-concept, cognitive skills and learning, development and belief.
The effects of early abuse on a child's development are profound and long lasting. It is the impact of abuse on a child's developing brain, causing that the development of cognitive effects seen in a variety of domains, including social, psychological and. TheAbility to regulate emotions and emotionally attuned to another depends on early experiences and the development of specific regions of the brain. Early abuse causes deficits in the development of these brain regions, particularly the orbitofrontal cortex and corpus callosum, due to the toxic effects of stress hormones on the developing brain.
These results strongly suggest that effective treatment requires an affectively attuned relationship vulnerable. Siegel said,"As parents with their children securely fastened about the mental states that reflect to create their shared subjective experience, they are understood in touch with them an important co-constructive process of how the mind works. The inherent feature of secure attachment - contingent , collaborative communication - is also an important part in interpersonal relationships, such as the integration to facilitate internal in a child. " This has implications for the effective treatment ofabused children. For example, if in a therapeutic relationship with the client in a position to aspects of traumatic memories and experiences reflect the impacts associated with these memories without dysregulated is developed affect the client an expanded capacity to tolerate increasing amounts. The client learns to regulate itself. The resonant frequency tuned relationship between client and therapist allows the customer to make sense (a left hemisphere function) of memories, autobiographicalRepresentations, and affect (right hemisphere functions).
Arthur Becker-Weidman, Ph.D.
Center for Family Development
5820 Main Street, Suite 406
Williamsville, NY 14 221
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