Many members of my mother's generation did not even attend kindergarten. Many members of my generation did not attend preschool. With my son's generation of pre-school children is a necessary part of preparation for formal education. In fact, for most children, formal education actually begins with preschool. That does not mean that preschool education begins on the first day of preschool. In fact, if you put your child in preschool age to a successful and beyond, then you have yourChild for preschool children. What are some of the things that you need to teach your preschooler?
First and foremost, you must help your child be as independent as possible. This means, toilet training and basic rules of hygiene and the ability to dress himself. Prepare your child mentally and emotionally for the idea of independence from you and other primary caregivers. Preschool teachers are naturally caring and supportive, but they are not capable of the sameDegree of attention, many children are accustomed to from their primary caregiver.
There are also learn some basic concepts that children need. These lessons will be reinforced in preschool, but if a child before she reaches that even preschool children better. This includes the knowledge of colors and shapes. Do not waste much time drilling introduce this knowledge in your child, but in passing to your child through the daily life. Name the colors of the clothingYour child will wear that day. Point various forms throughout the day, or even cut food into a form of day.
Starting work early to introduce your child to the letters of the alphabet and then as the introduction of letter sounds are mastered begin early. Again, make these lessons fun and relaxed as you go about your daily routine. Even among start working out how to cook, clean, and clothes.
Why do you need to prepare your preschooler for preschool children? As IIn the first paragraph, is the educational bar to increase steadily. Kindergarten is no longer after preparation. Real education goals set, and children learn reading and math. You start reading, learning multiple concepts and are expected to include up to 100 in kindergarten. Students in first grade reading and execution of complex mathematics and financial worries. Children pre-school children without any knowledge of independence, colors, shapes, letters and numbers, but a start can helpto be more successful in kindergarten and later in formal education.
A child, kindergarten without knowing that starts these words, is caught behind and may never. Even worse, it will destroy late start to the child's self-esteem and confidence, and hate the child to school and to lead learning. Some children can cope with these challenges and continue to be successful, but fail too many children continue throughout the school and in life. What wouldYou prefer for your child's future? If your preschool child, succeed in formal education, and life, then you should work on the main terms, long before school starts.
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