Like most parents, we welcomed our first new born with great excitement and anticipation. We have the usual things parents - to do his - always ready with a children's garden decorations, furniture, toys and clothing. We read books and went to classes, increase the boy in his first year. We had no idea everything would prepare us with, what deal was imminent. Vincent was born in the USA full term without complications. We brought him back to Singapore when he was 10 weeks old. Our goal wasput him in a multicultural and multilingual environment.
But when he was three months old, Vincent was a regular visitor to the doctor's office. He was with spleen and liver enlargements, which required weekly, monthly, then semi-annually diagnosed lever function blood tests. His enzyme should be at 800 + during the normal child under 50. His enzyme level stabilized, as he turned three.
At 14 months he got an infection from one to BCG injection. This requiredgeneral anesthesia and operation to eliminate the pustule. At two, the doctor found that Vincent had a heart murmur. Luckily it was a benign murmur put to growth. At 3, Vincent was a roadside curve that required three stitches over his right eye brow. At four he had a high fever for two consecutive days and had to be hospitalized. In between there was the common flu and colds.
I imagine many parents have gone through similar scenarios. But that was not theFace challenges that our beliefs, our strength tested, and changed the course of our lives. Vincent had reached all developmental milestones until we noticed he was different in one and a half years. He had no language. This meant he literally not one word of course. He did not call Mom or Dad. The doctor told us not to worry as the boys develop normal language skills later than girls.
We were really worried when he still had no speech at two years old. Thisstart another stream of consulting with specialists in ENT (ear, nose and throat medicine), neurology, psychology and psychiatry. It took more than two years to search, plan and carry out the evaluation. Vincent's hearing was tested. The neurologist could not find anything unusual from the visual assessment and referred us to a psychologist.
The meeting with the psychologist was catastrophic. She was more than an hour late for the appointment. Vincent lost the patience to wait and be wetPants in the evaluation, he had housebroken. The psychologist prescribed him as a "conduct disorder". This disbelief and confusion brought to us. The only positive result was accept a list of recommended schools, the children would like Vincent.
A dark shadow
We then sought advice from a renowned psychiatrist. I remember vividly the meeting of Vincent's Diagnosis: Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified (PDD NOS). Ayman in office,Vincent was severely delayed in development, but the doctor could not the cause. The psychiatrist replied that Vincent may not always be able to be to live an independent life cast a dark shadow over the family.
Between the numerous reports we could send to Vincent in a private school with a special training program from three years ago. This marked the beginning of eternal salvation and learning programs for Vincent. To support the learning of spoken language,Vincent was introduced to sign language and so were the parents. It was listening to one of the happiest moments in life, Vincent called 'Mama' and 'dad' at the age of three years and four months. Although his language advanced level of one word two words in a relatively short time, get the speed of learning to a halt. The speech therapist noted that he improve his gross and fine motor skills before learning could accelerate language required.
At the strong recommendation of teachers andSpecialists, we moved back to Germany, as Vincent was five. It began a new chapter of life for Vincent and his family. Through specialized references, we were happy, a pediatrician, developmental disorders in children such as Vincent is. She has a thorough evaluation of Vincent and diagnosed him as a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autism is a developmental disorder that typically occurs in early life childhood. Vincent was literally with minimal imagination and common sense, and wasinflexible to change. He had no eye contact, could not read social cues, had Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), showed significant delay in communication, and had gross motor and sensory dysfunction.
He showed symptoms of a typical autistic child, except he was not hiding in a corner. On the contrary, he was very sociable. We began a series of treatments with Vincent. He attended the private speech and occupational therapy for one year until theSchool could effectively combat their needs. He also took herapeutic riding once a week and swimming twice a week. Riding helped to calm him down and regulate his brain during swimming improves gross motor skills. He has both activities for more than five years.
Seeking the help of Mozart
In these five years we conducted Patricia Wilbarger brushing in two-hour intervals to reduce sensory disturbance, even though we were outside. At the same time, he was put underAuditory Integrated Therapy (AIT). He listened to Mozart filtered melody that supposedly stimulate the brain function differently from regular music. Later he had music therapy to stimulate creativity. He attended meetings increased 15 interactive metronome attention span. After three months of intensive therapy, he was clapping 1,500 times non-stop and consistently. We also have an engine employs specialists to improve his handwriting. To assist the U.S. law mandates public schoolsfor children with special needs. Vincent was just integrated into the mainstream kindergarten.
With limited language mainstream nursery school was extremely challenging for Vincent. He was easily distracted and so disturbing that he had to be brought out of the classroom. Frequent breaks or walking the school hallways were common. We had our fingers crossed and pray every day that he had a good day at school without incident. With drugs and consistent support for the learned VincentDaily routines and began gradually pick up language. During the first class language test and scored at 1%. This meant a hundred children, he was the last in language skills. At home we have been working on cognitive skills, and basic concepts of space, the features and functions with flash cards and a daily inspection of school lessons. We taught him phonics, time, number, size, money, etc. It was disheartening to teach him 10 cents more value than 5 cents, 10 cents if the coin isless than 5 cents. Vincent's language improved to 25% to 2 Degrees. He extended it by about 50% at the end of the 4th Class, professional far beyond all expectations.
After Vincent took languages, he participated in classes with less aide support from the special education teachers and the education.
Shifting focus
The focus has shifted the IEP for social interaction and communication. Socially, we've been through the times when went to language learning. WhileKindergarten, called him crazy neighbor kids and stupid. Fortunately, the name-calling was hard on us parents as Vincent could not understand them. He was never invited to a birthday celebration, from kindergarten through fourth grade. The school speech therapist to create programs for Vincent to role-play and sat with him to coach him during lunch time. We read books and wrote Carol Gray's social stories that show him the broad social rules of conduct for every occasion and alwaysalong.
He joined social skills training in a hospital and in the summer camp. Nothing came easy to Vincent. Everything had to be taught. He needed - and need - written rules and demonstrations in order to guide him through every social occasion. It was hoped that it would be able to apply immediately if he won broad-based foundations. All procedures and coaching paid off when Vincent finally three friends at the Fifth Grade.
He was invited to her birthday celebration. He invitedback to sleep on. He made some friends at the sixth grade. He claimed that two of them as his friends, with whom he spoke during the lunch time and played with after school. He was a Lone Ranger or not a target for bullies at school. We were fortunate that Vincent responded positively to all therapies and interventions. The developmental pediatrician was very pleased with Vincent progress. A psychological evaluation showed that Vincent continued in the above-average functionupper range of intelligence. He was no longer issue a significant discrepancy between the verbal and nonverbal skills. The doctor changed Vincent's diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, the mildest form of ASD, at the age of nine.
Fulfillment of a dream
After many years of challenges, we started treatment Vincent more like a normal child. There are rules in the television set. He had to buy a supplement to his favorite games and toys. He learned how to do laundry, use the dryer, foldClothes, wash dishes and cars, sweeping floors, the vacuum cleaner, and change light bulbs, etc. He recently started his own breakfast, preparing to cook instant noodles, meat and eggs with a knife.
He needs these skills when he goes to college. We expect him to behave appropriately in public and at events. He said he was responsible for his homework, so we check his homework or reviewing with him before testing stopped. His duty as a student, it is also carried out scientificand to maintain his honor roll. He continued reading voraciously, especially science books and nonfiction. As he is not inclined to sports, he chose as his only form of sport fencing.
For many years, without change, is his goal to become a zoo veterinarian. He is on his way to fulfilling his dream. After difficult processes of denial, guilt, frustration, anger, acceptance and resolution, one has to come with his diagnosis. While we look for treatments that best suit him, wePlease accept, most of who he is and what he will become. We have promised to offer him what normal kids enjoy, and we expect him to perform not less than other children of his caliber. We see it more challenges before him and us, but we are confident that he allow a happy and independent life.
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