Book > child publishing

Friday, April 30, 2010

Colorful Magic Kit by Scholastic Ultimate Magic Club

To buy this effect, follow this link: Combine a first-class children's publishing company with top-notch magic consultants and what do you get? The highest quality series of magic sets ever produced. These magic sets have not been available in stores until now. Thanks to a special arrangement with the sets' creators, magicians Danny Orleans and John Railing, we are making them available to the magic community. The Ultimate Magic Club Magic Sets were designed for children aged 7 - 12 years. Youngsters can master the magic in each set themselves by following the step-by-step instructions in the color photo-filled book and watching kid-magicians perform on the DVD. Ten titles with great kid appeal make up the series. Each Ultimate Magic Club Set contains at least four props or gimmicks, a 32-page full color book with over 125 professional photos, and a performance-only DVD in which the Ultimate Magic Club kid magicians present the tricks. Scholastic, an educational company that promotes reading and learning, designed each set to encourage creativity in children. They won't be overwhelmed by too many props. Rather, the instructions include two or three variations for each trick. Many original tricks and variations are included by author Danny Orleans as well as Ryan Oakes, Dan Harlan, Jerry Andrus, Mark Setteducati, Larry Becker, Dan Garrett and more. Famous magicians, past and present, are highlighted, too. Some of the books have never-seen-before photos of ...

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Encouragement is the Key to Child Weight Loss

Obesity rates across the entire United States continue to increase, and that unfortunately includes children as well. As more and more children reach the point of being obese, the number of children with adult medical problems like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes increases along with it. It is wonderful that you want to help your overweight child lose some weight so they can get back to a healthier level, but be a little bit careful in how you go about it. Coming across as negative and pushy is certainly something you do not want, because it will not do one bit of good. Instead of that approach, trying offering your child plenty of encouragement. More importantly, you should never, ever put them down for being overweight.

In helping your child to lose that extra weight, it is very important that you set realistic goals for him/her. You might find that it is best for them to maintain the weight rather than lose it, depending on how old they are and how overweight they are. If you child happens to be pretty young, they are still growing at a pretty rapid rate. In this case, they might be able to get back to a healthy weight just by having a good growth spurt. On the other hand, if morbidly obese are two words that can be used to describe the current weight of your child, it would probably be best to have them lose the weight.

Once you and your child have the whole goals situation straightened out, it is time to exercise. You need to encourage your child to start participating in some fun exercises. One good option is to look for and purchase some fun home workout videos that are meant for children. A lot of the videos out there that fall into this category have to do with dancing. This is great, because your child could then learn some new dance moves and get in shape at the same time. Also, plan some fun outdoor activities for your child to do. Riding bikes and swimming are two good examples of this. If you plan this one out right, your child mild think they are getting treated to something special when in reality they are getting some good physical exercise that will help them lose weight.

Just like with adults, for children to lose weight effectively they have to do more than just exercise. You also have to pay close attention to the kinds of food that goes into your their mouth. This one is pretty easy, because you can change what your child eats simply by changing what you buy at the grocery store. If you buy junk food all of the time, your child is going to want to eat junk food. The same goes for healthy foods. If you buy healthy stuff like fruit, yogurt, and low-fat versions of the not so healthy foods, your child will want to have those eventually. Keeping them from eating junk food is as simple as keeping the junk food out of your house. If your child is one that likes to buy their lunch at school, start packing them a lunch 2 or 3 times every week. This way they will not be tempted to get pizza and other junk from the vending machines, and you will be much more comfortable knowing they will eat a healthy and balanced lunch.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Write & Publish a Picture Book : How to Illustrate for a Children's Book

Learn how to illustrate for achildren's book in this free how-to video on writing and publishing children's literature. Expert: Angela Sage Larson Contact: Bio: Angela Sage Larsen is a professional artist and published children's book author. Filmmaker: Ross Safronoff

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Publishing for Kids

So you've always dreamt of writing a children's book but have never been able to take it to a publisher? Well, you're not alone. Trying to tug at a child's heartstrings through a story is often difficult. And with the myth circling around that, only people with a natural flair for writing can be successful in publishing, often curbs and hides away genuine potential. What then can one do to publish concepts and ideas for kids?

The first step is to identify what kind of writing you're really attracted to where kids are concerned. Look at various ideas like children's poems, short stories for young ones and even children's books. The next step: scout your local library and the bookstore to find out what's the latest in children's publishing. It's important to determine what made those best sellers successful. It is also important to perfect your writing before worrying about seeing your name in print. By practicing and practicing you can develop your own style. Signing up for writing classes can guide you in the right direction. Get feedback from young and old alike about your short stories. When writing poems or even children's books look out for illustration ideas which will help a child visualize even better what you're trying to say.

Publishing for kids begins with researching, which is as an important ingredient. The nature of the main characters in your story and the role he or she plays needs to be clear and specific. Remember you're targeting your book to kids. So also your poems have to be written in a crisp and clear format, something which is easy to remember and also rhymes, so that children can find it catchy. You also need to decide if you want an agent or wish to go through the procedure yourself. Most countries need you to have an agent representing you.

A good agent can help you understand the market better, simplify the paperwork as well as save you time and energy in getting your script in front of a publisher. An agent helps move things along albeit a little faster but again he cannot guarantee you a sure-shot sale. To approach a publishing house you need to be well prepared. Have your manuscript typed neatly only on one side of the paper and double spaced. Your 'cover page' must contain firstly, the books name, the author's name, the word count by chapter and pages in all, and lastly the page count.

Before you go either to an agent or publisher, you need to have a query letter prepared. A query letter gives them a gist of what exactly your story is about. If they are interested, they will ask you to send a few sample chapters. This helps publishers and editors to see if your story is worth publishing.
Its important to realize that you're story may be shelved by publishers. Don't let this dishearten you, but strive to do better next time. Accept it as feedback for you to improve on your next quest to write. Most of all enjoy the nourishing and fulfilling experience of writing.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

What Are The Best Home Schooling Programs?

Most home schooling programs are fully comprehensive and provide everything you would need for your child's complete k-12 education. However, you should keep in mind that many experienced home schoolers do not stick to just one program. They pick and choose from what they believe are best of each of the various programs. I cover in greater detail how people mix and match in my home schooling newsletter.

There are many popular and respected home schooling programs. The ones I'll cover briefly here are Saxon, Center for Learning and Curriculum Associates.

Perhaps one of the more well-known home schooling programs comes from Saxon. Saxon is a part of Harcourt Achieve, a publisher that provides a variety of educational materials across various subjects. Saxon focuses on math, phonics and early learning. Many home schoolers like Saxon's math texts. Math is an area that children will need expert instruction in. If the parents don't have a math background, Saxon may be the right math program for your child.

The Center for Learning is another of the great home schooling programs. They provide curriculum materials to public, private and parochial schools. They are also a favorite choice of home schoolers. Just as Saxon provides good math texts, the Center for Learning provides materials on English, Language Arts, Drama and Social Studies. They provide religious materials.

Finally, another favorite among the various home schooling programs is Curriculum Associates. Their materials focus on Reading, Language Arts and Math. They also have materials on test preparation, study skills and assessment.

As I mentioned, most parents will not stick to any one of the home schooling programs. They will choose Reading from this publisher and Math from that one. They often find what they like best through experimentation or from what their friends recommend.

So, which of the home schooling programs do you choose? If it were me, I would contact your State's Department of Education Home School contact person. This individual will know what programs with which students are having the most success.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Using Kindergarten Worksheets

Kindergarten worksheets provide an interesting opportunity for kindergarten children to learn and reinforce basic concepts. Since children learn best by doing and the kids because it is very easy, bored well designed them to do illustrated worksheets, makes it easier and more fun for them to learn. Completing a worksheet are also children, a great sense of accomplishment.

How to use worksheets for the best effect:

1st Give Children worksheets according to their level.Enter worksheet for a concept that you teach at once to the concept.

2nd The worksheets should ask a child to think only a little. If a child is, any activity too difficult to him a lighter. It is important that the child is not frustrated. Keep in mind that different children have very different levels of understanding and learning pace.

3rd It helps if the worksheets are well illustrated. Use of cartoon characters, it wouldinteresting for a child. Encapsulating common situations encountered at home, school, etc on the market and with common objects known to the children would be more relevant worksheets.

4th Try to complete each worksheet with a real-life activity. For example, a worksheet on counting, you can ask the child pick out 3 cookies and 2 carrots out of many.

5th Remember, a child learns many new things at once. A child in this agehas an amazing ability to quickly learn many new things. He can not forget it equally fast. Doing a lot of interesting worksheets with cartoons, etc would be fun for him and would help to increase constantly, what is learned.

6th Give positive feedback and support of a child. His fine motor skills are just developing. Do not expect or try for perfection. Type is not a written exercise too early to say keep it up entirely comfortable with a pencil. Spend enough time andconstantly reinforce the learning in day-to-day situations. Above all, it should be fun for the teachers and the taught!

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Monday, April 12, 2010

How to Write & Publish a Picture Book : Market & Sell Your Children's Book: Pt. 2

Learn how to market and sell a children's book in this free how-to video on writing and publishing children's literature. Expert: Angela Sage Larson Contact: Bio: Angela Sage Larsen is a professional artist and published children's book author. Filmmaker: Ross Safronoff

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jester For Today, Model Benjamin Lee James

Thanks to Benjamin and Kris Oxland for the production of this video. Help the Fund Kris Oxland childhood brain tumers, group leader and Prevention, by contacting Kris from anywhere in the world at / oxymusic. Great tunes and great music assist you as Kris now. Chris Summerfield photo media worldwide. Fir Publishing. I'm for great looking male models 17 and above, so if you live in Plymouth mail me now saw.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

City Harvest Church: "Above All Else" Worship Song Music Video*

Aworship Song Music Video * performance by Alison Yap, Worship Leader at the City Harvest Church in Singapore led as "Above All Else." In 1989, Kong felt the call of God in full time Christian service contact. Kong had, until then, graduated with a degree in computer science from the National University of Singapore and was working for a publisher. Having had several small but successful evangelistic campaigns in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines, Hong Kong would become aitinerant evangelist in support of the churches in Southeast Asia. In April this year, he left the Anglican church he attended since he was a child and now as a staff evangelist with "Christ for Asia, a Singapore-based missions organization. After leaving his local community and the entrance to a walk of faith in the mission, gathered a group of young people that Kong had previously served around him. They wanted him to be their shepherd, to pastor and lead them. Withthe support and encouragement of many senior pastors in the city decided Kong to spearhead a new job, and so aside his desire to travel a minister. Kong is in Asia as a dynamic speaker known, the message of faith in a very relevant and contemporary way. He has a strong vision of the 21st Century, strong leaders who would plant local churches throughout Asia to train. Every week, his half-hour television program "Harvest Time" is many times in broadcast145 ...

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Developing Good Homework Habits

Children are more successful in school if they develop good habits homework at an early age. Parents play an important role in helping the child to find out how well do their homework. Learning to correct homework reinforces skills such as planning will help the child in many areas, time management, memorization techniques, stamina and concentration. The tips in this article provide practical advice on developing productive study habits and what to do ifthe child in a road block understanding of the material.

1st Schedule a regular time for homework each day (including the weekend). Get your child a day book or calendar, and they describe the learning time. You can also note their extracurricular activities, vacations and other planned events. Learning to keep a calendar and manage their time will be useful to them throughout their life cycle. It allows one to achieve more if we blocked the time needed for eachTask.

2nd If your child home from school, encourage them to eat a snack, a light. Half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk, or try a little apple sauce, some crackers, cheese and a stick to it with the energy they need to concentrate on their work instead of their stomach. No high sugar foods (such as cookies), as they make the brain blood sugar spike and thinking capacity is reduced considerably when this happens.

3rd Determine a range for the study. Itcan the kitchen table, a desk, coffee table in the living room or any other place that is relatively quiet, allowing enough room to put the books, paper and writing utensils. Make sure extra supplies such as paper, pencils, pens, tape, scissors, etc. are easily accessible right there, so no time to wander the house looking for pencils.

4th Have your child wear a special folder for take-home worksheets. Then all the homework sheets are in one placein her backpack and can be accessed easily when learning begins.

5th The first step for the study session, it should be, all the homework that need to be identified. Assignments that have a longer timeline, book the day to be observed and segmented into smaller steps. Each step should be assigned to a specific date to complete it culminated in the final order. For example, if the child needs to write a book report on Friday, provisional measures could be thethe daybook includes annotated determine how many chapters should be read every day, if the draft paper should be written when the editing is done, and when the final paper, mounted in a cover will be. Planning, as the completion of larger projects makes it less overwhelming.

6th If your child has a homework finished, they have to check it out and put the completed work in her backpack ready for school the next day. It helps to see progressthe goal of completing all homework.

7th Check in often with your child so that they are making progress and are not stuck on one concept. If the child struggling and can help you, please do so. Encourage your child by praising the close answers. If you can identify where the problem is to point out what the child has missed step. Sometimes (especially for mathematical concepts) it helps the child have, write down a numberto use steps to solve the problem. to follow with a special process to help take the mystery out of the figures. If your child does not get easy, try a break from the material causes a problem. Moving to another homework assignment. come back to the demanding homework later in the session. If your child still does not, and you do not get it either, try these techniques block to break through my head:

a. If your child has a friend herethe same class, you have to call your child's friend, to see if they understand the concept. Sometimes hearing someone explain the concept will help. the way, I do not mean the child should be By only the answers from someone else, what we need is an explanation of what procedure should be followed to get to the answer.

b. Talk with the child's teacher to get help for suggestions. Perhaps the teacher can explain what you need, or spend a few extra minuteswith your child so they know what to do.

c. Get a tutor. You can either find someone where you live or rent an Internet service that works for you and your child.

Do not let a problem go for very long. Learning builds on concepts already taught. Once your child develops gaps in the understanding of a subject, it is difficult to understand material for them to later. Take immediate action to help your child be successful.

8th Encourage yourchild to use mnemonic techniques to remember names, spelling, vocabulary, dates and other tricks just memorization. A mnemonic is a memory aid for recalling to facilitate information. Make up silly rhymes or sentences, the first letter of a group of related information. For example: use My Ink Spot, the three types of rocks - metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary or "In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue recall."

9th Teach your child the most importantin bold headings, and subject in their textbooks. These are indications of the most important material in the text. Do they make cards with words and their definitions on the back. As soon as she studied the cards for some time, have a study partner (you or someone in your household) to show them the card and let them remember the definition. Learning the vocabulary for each topic is important for understanding.

10th Encourage your child to use as manytheir five senses as they can in order to block the material in their brains. Have you read it, write it, say it loud and dance around the living room to sing their mnemonic phrases.

Homework is practice. Teaching your child a structured way to approach their homework will help them learn the most from their experience. Preparing in this way for the next day at school is to increase their confidence and their ability to do well in school.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Books VS Internet


As you could read in my bio, I've been doing book sales since 1990. During this time the trends in the publishing industry have been changing from year to year. At the end of the '90 the belief that internet will supplant books prevailed, although that has not happened. But it is true, that the sales of generic encyclopedias have decreased for a small percentage.

Lately I have been noticing that the interest for different encyclopedias has increased again. This is due to the fact that the Internet offers a variety of different web sites, their main interest is not the user information they give pleasure, but to make money with advertising.

So, to counter what the users?

Try to imagine your 10-year-old child, the Internet has a new mission to find the information for his project on the brain. If, for example in Google the word "brain", the first "150" represent the various hits "thesis" with a salary that ishas to do with anything, with the theme of your child, the child is interested in. Until such information, precious time can be lost much.

Some time ago a joint project of Google as the biggest "search engine" and Dorling Kindersley started as one of the largest publishers in the world. It was called "E-encyclopedia".
E-encyclopaedia means, you have extremely attractive and encyclopedia with images on the one hand and on the other hand, a "search engine" thatincludes more than 1,000 different Web sites. In other words, this means that everything is contained in a book to find on the Internet and will be.

My opinion is that books have several advantages over Internet. Internet is the "jungle" and if you are not skilled with Internet connection, you can have a lot of problems to the right information you want to find.

Yours sincerely,

Edie Kurnik

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Din Din Wo (Little Child)

标示 星 号 的 相片 C: \ Users \ Public \ Music \ Sample music "DIN WO", written by Habib Koité, production of: Contre-Jour (1995), Publisher: Contre-Jour (Belgium) All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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City Harvest Church: "Together Stronger" Worship Song Music Video*

Aworship Song Music Video * Performance of City Harvest Church in Singapore called "Stronger Together." In 1989, Kong felt the call of God in full time Christian service contact. Kong had, until then, graduated with a degree in computer science from the National University of Singapore and was working for a publisher. Having had several small but successful evangelistic campaigns in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines, Hong Kong was an itinerant evangelist in support of theChurches in Southeast Asia. In April this year, he left the Anglican church he attended since he was a child and now as a staff evangelist with "Christ for Asia, a Singapore-based missions organization. After leaving his local community and the entrance to a walk of faith in the mission, gathered a group of young people that Kong had previously served around him. They wanted him to be their shepherd, to pastor and lead them. With the support and promotion ofmany pastors in the city decided Kong to spearhead a new job, and so aside his desire to journey Minister. Kong is in Asia as a dynamic speaker known, the message of faith in a very relevant and contemporary way. He has a strong vision of the 21st Century, strong leaders who would plant local churches throughout Asia to train. Every week, his half-hour television program "Harvest Time" is many times in 145 countries broadcast to 13Television ...

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