Book > child publishing

Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Create Your Own Reality" Suzie Part 2 of 6

"Create Your Own Reality" is a program designed to empower, motivate and create other possibilities in regards to total Wellness for the body, mind and spirit and how to live consciously. Badeish Lange is a life skills coach, medical intuitive, psychic, hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner. She has extensive background in trans-personal spiritual psychology, parapsychology and ancient wisdom. Our guests are Suzie Duncan-Winn, her mother Bonnie Duncan and her father Michael Winn. Suzie is a gifted artist at 10 years old publishing and selling her art successfully. Her mother believes Suzie is a Crystal Child because she is so amazing. See and hear the inspirational story of Suzie's adoption at three years old as an autistic and dysfunctional child. Her parents will share their story of the challenges and incredible journey that changed all their lives forever. A show you will want to experience. Suzie will be demonstrating her gifts during the program. Produced by JonPaul Sherwood,

Thanks To : car headrest monitors

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