Book > child publishing

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tame the Wild

If I said, asked a million words and only one could be heard, I wonder if instead of worship it at the highest or just a mere moment, maybe next time we'll find the time. I'm not wasting particular vibrations in the atmosphere, not spending breathing thoughts of death, what is deserved, because all I heard from the diamond mines coming, was crying continuously child and they sparkle on refined finger where greed and desire to stay one. It is what it is. Take your piece and run before the questionsburn in the sun light poisoning where I do not react the feeling flat, sullen, how to, because I have this wheel for too long no longer about what is right or wrong was agitated. So I'm spinning in my soft linen dress feet covered with the dried mud of sadness stirs tears, they start in my fingers where my creativity stays, and I squeeze on the parchment to make sentences with the wet ink a cup of words for the masses to drink leftover remains of a child of God, a reminder thatis it possible to tame the wild. Copyright @ DBV Publishing

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Tips to improve your child's Reading

Anita Silvey writes in 100 best books for children: in a child's intellectual development offers more pleasure or excitement, as a book. Good "does not hold more memorable as a childhood reading experiences. Nothing And nothing ensures the success of a child stronger society than in Before reading from childhood to adulthood. "

While Silvey statements may be true, what about children who have problems with and / or do not like reading that? Read expert John JayPikulski said: "An impressive and growing number of authoritative opinion and research suggests that reading failure is all but a very small percentage of children can be prevented." This is good news for parents who are inattentive to their children's books frustrated. Settings and reading problems usually can be corrected.

But how can parents encourage their children to read and grow to love it? And how can parents help their children, which can itself through a strugglesingle word?

Kathryn Perkinson, in an article for the U.S. Department of Education, writes that to love children to read, you need to read aloud to them and encourage them to read to you. Read aloud to children they are familiar with the language and special stories. Read familiar stories, to love those children, it will encourage them to try and read these stories for themselves, for the Reading Recovery Council of North America.

Read experts agree that itPotter important to talk to your child about reading, perhaps talking about a book you loved as a child or discuss the stories of famous authors and characters, like Dr. Seuss, Lemony Snickett or Harry. (The case of Harry Potter book or a film made in the a-man was a game of questions your child to respect you, and what things are different between the book and the movie they ask you to talk when the film ends. This will also help the development of theirCritical thinking skills.) And do not forget, sometimes you ask your child what he or she is reading in school, and if he understands or wants to talk about the story or novel.

Another idea to teach reading and love for the pound is to the child read library or a bookstore with that, let him pick out books that look interesting. If your child learns to choose the theme of the reading material, he has not read more. Perkinson writes of the importance ofStarting a home library. Children, the books that some of their homes and their lives are used are more inclined to read, and be a better reader than their colleagues in which the books are rare.

Another tip can improve the reading to be found on The Family Education Network Web site ([]) to "encourage reading a variety of activities." These activities can be as simple as asking your children to street signs and billboards, comic books, or read the newspaper comicStrip, play games with you or spelling. The Family Education Network proposes is often better to read and when books and other things) to your child read (magazines, comics are kept handy, especially in the car and other places (while waiting for appointments, in line at front the grocery store, etc.) where your child could idle time.

Although Richard Feldman, Ph.D., of Columbia University, agrees everyone should read, and he is a speed of experts, he stressedthat all people should be read in a suitable environment. "Fishing your reading at 45 degrees improves your reading speed and reduces eye strain." Feldman also says is important is not it bed to read, especially for a child who is working on his reading skills. Reading in bed makes a relaxed and not as a warning, and that can make it difficult for the beginning or alarmed readers actually read.

Other exercises to share with your children when they read questionsinclude teaching your child to hear words, sounds, teaching your child perceive and identify letters of the alphabet and teaching to see your child (or even learn by heart), whole words, especially those that occur frequently in the language. These ideas from the Reading Recovery Council of North America, the tips mentioned above, coupled with, will help your child's reading skills.

But one of the most important things to help remember Your child will be a better reader is seeking professional help for problems to read questions to be seen whether they are reading. As Pikulski says, can read the most obstacles to overcome and prevent future problems with the right tools, a little work-one both by you and your child 's.

Recommended reading for more in-depth tips (in alphabetical order):

• Improving Reading: Strategies and Resources by Jerry Johns and Susan Lanski (Kendall Hunt> Publishing Co.)
• Reading Reflex: The Foolproof Phono-graphic lessons for your child) Read by Carmen McGuinness and Geoffrey McGuinness (Free Press
• Reading Rescue 1-2-3: Raise Your Child's Reading Level 2 types with this simple 3-Step Program by Peggy M. Wilber (Three Rivers Press)
• See Johnny Read: 5 most effective ways to get your son's reading difficulties by Tracey Wood (McGraw-Hill) end

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Help your child learn to write

Writing is an integral part of communication. Writing helps us to exchange thoughts, ideas and stories with others. There are many different skills of spelling, writing, research and logical thought progression. You can help your child to develop these skills. Here are some ideas on how to give your child opportunities to practice them in writing.

Send letters. Your child to help write letters and thank you notes to relatives and friends.You can start it as soon as they can make a mark on a piece of paper. Encourage your child to "sign" the thank-you for your birthday gift. Later, you can write what they dictate, they have to copy it on a map. As they become more practiced, you can use the spelling words as they write their message in order to help friends.

Give your child a calendar. Allow your child to write important events in their calendar. Snow! First day of school. New dog. ShortEntries like these to help your kids learn writing skills and help them remember when something happened.

Did you add a family. Create a family message board where you and your kids can leave each other notes for. Children love their parents with access in as many ways as possible.

Make shopping lists together. Write lists of errands and items you need to. Have your child suggest concepts and they help the list.Then when you go shopping you have your child read, for the items on the list. If they have not in a position to have not read, read the article aloud and ask for their help to find in it.

Keep a travel journal. Next time your family takes a trip, you have your child keep a diary, where you went, what you looked like you because what you ate and where. Younger children can help you come up with captions for the photos you took. You can use this approach for trips to the zoo,Museum and fair.

Learning to write is a skill that requires many opportunities to practice. These ideas will help your child ways of practicing writing as part of their daily life.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Keeping Your Child Motivated in School - 10 Tips For Parents

Motivation refers to the number of personal factors that explain in part why a person the way they do behave in a certain situation. Research has found that early school leavers to three times the risk of living in poverty, compared to their peers who complete high school are.

As parents are the first real test of your motivational skills to keep your motivation five years if he / she realizes that school is out of the 3 R's (reading, 'riting and' rithmetic) and not the 3S (Snacks, Sesame Street and sleeping). Your job will only get harder than when they get older and other competing interests into play such as cell phones, iPods, Internet, friends / girlfriends and driving privileges. Here are some tips to help you keep a child motivated your school.

1. Discuss the importance of school and an education to your child.

2. Ask your child every day how her day was at school. Make sure they give you special features.

3. Searchout if they have no homework or class project is due.

4. If your child is not any homework that they spend 30 minutes studying a minimum, review and practice their teaching.

5. Make sure to read it and discuss your child with the absence of progress that will be sent home after. If necessary to limit their activities or be consequences for misbehavior.

6. Reinforce the positive. to focus not only on the negatives or misconduct.

7.Encourage your child if they are not good on a quiz or test.

8. If your child with school problems, possibly with the help of the teacher, a teacher or after school program.

9. Talk to the teacher about various opportunities and resources to help your child with you when he / she has a learning problem.

10. Regular constant contact with your child's teacher (s) for your child's learning progress and behavior.

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