Book > child publishing

Monday, November 30, 2009

Part #3 The Intellectual, the False Teacher, and the Heartless Worshipers

widespread in Australia and beyond. Today he concentrates on writing and the teaching of the Bible. Nolene Prince, earned a bachelor's degree in music, specializing in singing, and after class at school, the music at Bible school. Then directed their efforts to educate their children, church and music service, and the selection, arrangement and recording of songs for their publications. The prince married live in Melbourne and had three children and three grandchildren. ... Nine days in ...

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

History of Mankind: Prehistory. Dzieje Ludzi: Prehistoria. Dagiel Publishing [2]

Dagiel Publishing (, presents the history of mankind: Part 1: Background to Learn about the lives of our ancestors, watch the adventures of the prehistoric hunter, games and quizzes. Program consists of 4 parts: * Presentation of the prehistoric issues, inventions and buildings. Find out how to get wood and stone spear, reed, wood and mammoth-boat, canoe, ax, hammer, club, clothing and many other things to create. Watch builders of Stonehenge, prehistoric houses and tents. * The Adventures of a ...

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lady Tania & Chrisette Michelle on Relentless TV

Surrounded by music since she was a small child, was reared twenty-three years old singer, songwriter and composer Chrisette Michele with an old soul and this Long Iceland songwriter and vocalist has a deep appreciation for the harmonic foundations, gospel and jazz covers blessed. "I did my first solo when I was four years old," Chrisette remembers. The truth is, no matter how painful it is for me to admit, I was sick. I was diagnosed with polycystic ...

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Never Be A Victim..... of this guy

My Grade 11 multimedia publishing project. I apologize, I was drawn 16 and Adobe Premiere. We had to make a public announcement so that I do about this officer, who seems to have a strange 'love' for children.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lion King: Field of Innocence

Password loans, was in a hurry to publish it to DX all fanmade video (c) Disney Song (c) Evanescence pure. No copyright infringement intended. I think the song ... works very well. When Simba was a child, the world was at peace ... For adults ... ... The Lion King Disney Evanescence Field Of Innocence fan video fanvideo Walt

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

The History of Publishing a Magazine in America

The first magazine was issued already in 1731, before this country was even technically born. Since then, the magazine publishing industry has taken a foot is the main economic sectors are available. The market itself is almost endless, and became a million-dollar industry. The magazine industry has an appealing, it's easy and personal, and pulled the man to journals, such as the advertisers are. Consumer magazines continue to grow in circulation and are particularly diverse.Here are some of the most successful publications in the U.S. today.

Reader's Digest

Founded in 1922 by Lila Wallace and DeWitt Wallace, Reader's Digest and is still one of the most successful current general interest magazines. It is about half as big as a regular magazine sent by subscription, but it continues to reach audiences not only in America but the rest of the world as well. It is published in 21 languages, has 50 issues so far, and isstill the best-selling consumer magazine in the U.S.. Reader's Digest Association, Inc., is among the top 25 magazine publishing companies in its annual revenue earnings in six.

National Geographic

This magazine is the official magazine of the National Geographic Society and is still an important factor for their business. He has articles on archeology, history, science, and has also recently branched into the adventure and travel. There appeared the first editionin 1888 and since then the world has achieved with 32 languages. His lyrics are interesting and informative, but it also has amazing photography, its highly recognizable limited yellow envelope to make it unique, and thus for the National Geographic quality. The American Society of Magazine Editors has given the General Excellence Award from 2007 to the National Geographic Magazine.

PC World

Although a relatively "new kid on the block is" PC World, however, that theFlagship publication of International Data Group. Since its launch in 1982, the first edition was published in March 1983. Most employees of the PC world came from PC Magazine. Today, there are many world-PC contains reviews of various hardware, software and services for the computer market in context. It is currently published in 51 countries in the field under different titles. Since 2006 it has become the computer magazine with the largest circulation in the world.

Popular Mechanics

Macworld highlighted trends in science and technology in the mainstream media since its inception on 11 Dedicated in January 1902. In the 1950s, the Hearst Corporation took over the publication, where he became one of the leading publications in the group, along with other mainstream publications such as Good Housekeeping. Today, Hearst Corporate Communications is a leading magazine publishers in the United States.

Time Magazine

Despite the recent drop in revenue in 2007, remains the largest magazine Time magazine in annual revenue among the magazines. His writing style is because it can address stellar in the week, current issues on a number of issues, both political and serious, and are easy and popular dishes as well. Signed articles in the magazine include Time 100, which provides the 100 most influential people of the year, and the Person of the Year. From the end of 2007, she has tried to reviseso that it continue to serve through the achievement of a younger generation of people.

Even though recent advances in communication and technology like the Internet have much more information available and digitally enhanced, magazines still remains a mainstay in the American media. The increase in sales in 2007, from 1.5% even with technologically advanced media decisions.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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Sonatina in G major, Op. 100 4. Theorem Sonata Sonatina The video was recorded by Sony Ericsson K850i. Anton Dvorak was born on 8 Born September 1841 in a small village in Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic. He was one of seven children. Anton's parents recognized his talent and began his musical training at the age of six years. He studied music in Prague and graduated as an accomplished violin and viola player, before 20 years old. As a young adult, Anton played viola in the ...

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Mecano - Hijo de la Luna (Singable English)

From whose loins spring he has? Madam, you have deceived me! And thus ended her life. Then he took the boy and reduced the nearest mountain, where he abandoned the child. Moon, will you be a mother, but cut off the love that would give you a uterus. Tell me, O Silver Moon: How are you going to a fair child of the earth nurse? Oh, son of the moon! At night, when our moon is full gloss, Tis because the boy laughs easily, and when he starts to cry, the moon wanes, so gentle and ...

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Child's First Bible: A Book Review

Reader's Digest, A Child's First Bible is a unique and child-Produced Book of the Bible. The illustrations are bright, childlike, and interesting, the text is by Sally Lloyd-Jones, lively, and short enough for most children. Each Bible story takes a page and include sidebars remember important points or questions.

The stories will be covered: Creation, the Flood, Abraham and Sarah, Joesph, the division of the Red Sea Ruth and Naomi, David and GoliathDaniel in the lion's den, Jonah and the big fish, Mary, and Gabriel, the shepherds and angels who went to baby Jesus, the story of the first Christmas, Peter and the fishermen that Jesus walked on water, Jesus feeding the crowd with five loaves of bread and two fishes, Jesus increases the healing of the paralytic, the prodigal son, and Jesus.

Examples of the sidebars: For Jesus walked on water, "Jesus is stronger than that which makes us afraid, what do you get scared?" and for flood protection, "God keeps hisPromise! Do you know all the colors of the rainbow? "

There is also an introduction, explaining that the Bible is "like a letter from God to you and me. It tells the story of God's love for us. We read about God and his friends and the adventures they went further. The Bible tells us that God wants that we are his friends too. "

What I do: Especially the cover! The board book has a hole in the middle, which is with heavy clear plastic, a pond and is filledPond creatures printed on them. Among them are, we see a child and a rainbow. The cover alone inspires my 18 months old, to study often in this book. (And the cover has to be permanent, will be passed around to chewing on.) My daughter loves the colorful illustrations inside. I also appreciate the effective introduction to this book, and all the interactive sidebars. The retelling of the biblical stories is much better than many, many children's Bibles.

What I dislike:Nothing.

Overall rating: Excellent.

Age Appeal: 3-6.

Information Publisher: Reader's Digest, 2001, ISBN 1575848163, hardcover, $ 12.99

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Friday, November 13, 2009

15 Tips For Helping Children With Learning The Alphabet Letters

I volunteer four hours per week in first grade my son's classroom. I help in a variety of ways, but primarily I am involved in literacy activities. It's an exciting time in a child's literacy life as this is the year in which emerging readers are fully independent readers.

While they continue to spend in the primary school to increase their site words and vocabulary, there is a point this year, when most children pick a book at their reading level and can be read fromBeginning to end with their own knowledge and decoding skills. For some children, comes that point in the early school years, and others would achieve at various points in the year.

However, there are a handful of children in each classroom of the first class that does not reach that point this year. These children do not have basic reading and writing skills and techniques they need to readers. They do not know their alphabet letters let alone the sounds that each letter stands in words. This lack of knowledge holds them back as in reading and writing.

While the other children can write sentences with their growing fluency vocabulary and phonetics in their knowledge of the alphabetic principle, children who do not yet know the alphabet falling ever further behind their peers every day.

As the parent of a preschooler, you have to ask yourself. Which category you want your child in the fall? If you do not want your> Child behind the literacy of the first class will ensure that your child has mastered the alphabet before kindergarten have to make. Here are 15 tips to help your child start teaching their alphabet letters.

Tip 1 - Introduction letter from the search for a word or a name that your child is appropriate. Example: B: Ball

Tip 2 - Point to the letter on an alphabet chart (you can make an easy-to with the "Chunky Letters" coloring sheets), so your Child can see where the letters of the alphabet. The chart can be a learning tool to help your child visualize what looks the alphabet.

Tip 3 - Sing the Alphabet Song and stop at letters that sing to the child alone.

Tip 4 - Model the correct formation of the letter and have your child trace the letter in the salt, sand, gel, finger paint, pudding or shaving cream.

Tip 5 - Model the correct formation of the letter and have your> Child Print out the letter with a paintbrush, marker, colored pencil, chalk, Q-tip, pencil, magic slate, or pen.

Tip 6 - Purchase magnetic letters to place on the refrigerator or oven tray display set to the letter of the week.

Tip 7 - Assign the letter on signs and in books.

Tip 8 - Use playdough to expand and make the letter or a toothpick to write the letter to the playdough.

Tip 9 - Talk about the shapes of the letters and if the uppercase and lowercase letters are the same ordifferent. Play matching games, are the same or different, or alphabet bingo.

Tip 10 - Take your finger and trace the letters on the palm or on your child's.

Tip 11 - Practice sticky notes and label objects in the house that begin with that letter.

Tip 12 - Alphabet Stamps are a practical investment for fun with the alphabet for alphabet recognition, so that words and spelling.

Tip 13 - Eating the alphabet can strengthen a delicious way toLetters using vegetables, pretzels, potato sticks and sweets in the form of letters.

Tip 14 - Decorating muffins, cakes or cookies with frosting tubes letters to print. Squeeze mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise or jelly letters out of containers to improve your food. If your not hungry place in a Ziploc bag and practice printing letters on the outside of the bag.

Tip 15 - Try alphaBit cereal for breakfast and the names of the letters.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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(1996). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention and treatment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Streissguth, AP (1997). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Guide for Families and Communities. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Jones, KL, & Smith, DW (1973). Recognition of fetal alcohol syndrome in early childhood. Lancet, 2, 999-1001. Jones, KL, Smith DW, Ulleland, CN, & Streissguth, AP (1973). Pattern of malformations in offspring of chronic alcoholic mothers. ...

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dianne Linderman - Professional Business Speaker

com Dianne is a passionate speaker, award-winning author, teacher, consultant, publisher and entrepreneur. She is convinced that a strong momentum in our country, education can help children with their most pressing problems. Their unique, funny and very natural personality combined with innovative business ideas, parenting skills and easy healthy cooking tips are a hit with listeners. Dianne is also an award-winning editor of several books for children and the workbook, "How to Become ...

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Monday, November 9, 2009

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to Write & Publish a Picture Book : How to Write a Children's Story

Learn how achildren the history of book in this free how-to video on writing and publishing children's and youth literature to write about. Expert: Angela Sage Larson Contact: Bio: Angela Sage Larsen is a professional artist and published children's book author. Filmmaker: Ross Safronoff

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The Present Situation For Writing And Publishing Creative Writing For Children In Africa

Africa has highlighted a lack of books, especially picture story books for younger children, the expression of an African environment, both in text and illustration frame. Problems militating against the rapid growth in writing and publishing for children in Africa include the following:

(1) The bulk of the reading questions that the African child, the school books as a pound for pleasure and enjoyment.

(2) Books Most children are to be established.Such imported plants are generally insensitive to the local culture and unreflective of the social realities of the African child and his endeavors.

(3) Not enough African published books for children are available.

(4) If they are available, the illustrations in them are either

(a) poor quality

(b) not in color

(c) you do not have nice jackets.

(5) And if in color and of good quality, they are either tooexpensive, or for a few elite and far beyond the reach of most African children, especially in rural areas.

(6) The most serious African authors do not bother to write for children because they do not have the same status as writing for adults granted.

Africa has very little interest in written literature. Also in Nigeria, the award-winning authors is well marked by neglect of their authors. Writers are rarely as footballare. Hardly a foundation in place to enhance the creativity of African writers. Literary awards are also scarce. Book Development Councils seem to be either missing or collapse, except in Ghana. In Sierra Leone and The Gambia is still lamented its absence is always. While in Nigeria, where it was once formed to develop, to the local publishing industry, it is hardly made any impact until it was swallowed up by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council. InAfrica in general, adults seldom read books for children - not even the parents. Among the more than 2,000 titles published each year for children in the UK, the production in Nigeria as compared to almost 60th

Despite the more than 100 publishers in Nigeria, the situation for children and young people remains bleak. This is mainly due to their textbook orientation, it makes contributions based on a school in captive market. It is proved that if only African children had access to more books that theywould read outside the classroom. An illustrative example of this fact from the year 1985 will see Ife Book Fair, where the Children's Literature Association of Nigeria (CLAN) held a special exhibition of books

Visitors in this state were adorned by the colorful illustrations of fairy tales Poster fascinated the wall, the top and back of shelves. Some even wanted to buy the poster medium images through a very talented artist from the Nigerian Television Authority. The festive moodto decorate the state of the balloons they sent together with the colorful posters attracted many children. It was the amazing sight of three children of different ages reading a picture book at the same time, obviously impressed by this picture book titled Not by Bread for Eze, Ifeoma Okoye, fascinated and publishing the fourth dimension in Enugu. It was one of those books where both the history of images and illustrations are perfectly integrated. It was about a boy who loved the bread and could Ezedo not eat enough of it. He wanted the bread all the time. So exasperated his parents sent him to eat nothing but bread. Eze was initially very happy. No one was pressurizing him to eat nutritious food. But he soon tired of eating bread all the time and his parents asked him other kinds of food. But she would not yield. Eze bread was so tired and stopped eating. He was hungry and weak and could not even play football with his friends. Yielded at the end of his parents andEze began to enjoy a balanced diet, have learned that boys do not live by bread alone. This underscores the importance of illustrations in books for children, the children were not only the history of Eze, but also fascinated by the imaginative and often humorous drawn pictures. If children are to acquire the reading habit, they have so appealing books that also mean, well-illustrated books. Even a child is two years old will enjoy looking at a picture book. Image poundscould indeed be expensive to some degree, if you insist on printing in four colors, the ideal would like to see in the richly illustrated stories The Drum especially for children from Chinua Achebe to write. But also wash and line drawings were so well drawn that they could also captivating.

Half-tone images than in the Adagbonyin's Singing Ashes (1981) may also be effective, through the masterful shading of the artist. A color books for children could be contagiouskeeping young readers, as well as Just in Case (1983) By Sandra Slater, illustrated by AL Satti.

Other good books are the colorful image of Amina the Milkmaid (1988) Fatima illustrated by Pam Pam K. Ofori, a Ghanaian, illustrates the first coin (1989) by Mabel Segun by the same artist, and how the Leopard Got His Claws (1982) by Chinua Achebe and John Iroaganachi. This has presented two variants in color, by Adrienne Kennaway.

Although Nigeria has a few goodIllustrators, most of them are good examples have been done by foreigners. It seems that many Nigerians can not illustrators to draw the faces of children and have problems with the interpretation of texts. To correct these deficiencies, CLAN secure training, two illustrators' workshops with UNESCO funding and published a book on illustrating for children (1988) by Mabel Segun be edited.

But this problem can only be permanently solved by the integration of text and illustrations, a feat mostcould be implemented by an author, illustrator, the costs of publishing in full color also reduced by the co-publishing with a number of publishers to improve conditions and reduce the unit cost of books. Sometimes a book with texts in different languages with the same color illustrations is published. In Nairobi, five publishers across Africa, including Nigeria's Press Daystar met in 1983 under the auspices of the World Association forChristian Community (WACC) and co-author of several books for children in full color and in the context of our legal obligations DUCCA.

The lack of good writers for children is also repugnant to the publication of literature for children in Africa. Because writing is for children, much harder than writing for adults, many adults can not either in the child's world connect and interact with it with understanding and lack of condescension, and the adaptation of content andLanguage of their writing to the child's age, experience and background ... A good writer for children must understand that not sound a child's psychology for the story wrong. Good literature for children a child's imagination and expand his horizons, awaken him a knowledge of the past with regard to the present and imbuing his ideals and values important for national development. Work ethic. Unselfishness, are loving relationships, acceptance of responsibilityamong the values that can be taught, not in a didactic, repellent, but with so subtly that children can be mobilized at national and international development. Good literature for children a child's developing creativity and innovative spirit, without which a nation can hope to move into the era of technology.

Good literature can give a child, the personal identity on a continent that has exposed the cultural imperialism through mass importforeign literature. Achebe does this through its well-written fairy tales like the flute, drum, and the former as the Leopard Got its claws co-written with John Iroaganachi and in 1972 published by Nwamife publisher. The latter was a picture of the first children's history books published in Nigeria and remains one of the best and most successful, with an East African Publishing House. Chinua Achebe is quoted as saying .. Is one of the best things I everdone. "Mabel Segun does this through character-building books such as the broken statue and Olu (1985).

In neighboring Ghana, many other problems, including the balance of payments difficulties the country, the consistently short supply of essential raw materials and lead
Spare parts to repair faulty equipment pressure. Published Under The Ghana Publishing Company "substantial number of books for children, one of the oldest and most beautiful was MesheckAsare picture story book, Tawia Goes to Sea, published in 1970. This was probably the first African-published book, the children gain worldwide recognition, and it was also the first book from an African publisher, will be translated into Japanese. Even better was the welcome news that a Ghanaian children's book was the winner of the 1982 Noma Award. This $ 3000 the prize went to Mesheck Asare, for his involvement picture story book "The Secret's Brassman Published by Educational Pressand producers in Germany of Kumasi 1981.The jury in the selection of it impressed by its "unique and thrilling story of the children, beautiful and imaginative, the author illustrates, position yourself as an artist and important aspects of Asante culture. She also found it noteworthy that a book of such high quality that was produced under such difficult conditions, then in Ghana. Asare as Achebe has the rehabilitation of the African child 's mind was through literaturedesigned to tell him his cultural heritage by all these fantasies and adventure book Chipo and the bird on the mountain and its newer Sosu's Call

Another point GPC Mercy Owusu-Nimoh The Walking Calabash was published in 1977, singled out for "Honorable Mention" in the first Noma Award for Publishing in Africa Competition

Despite the many problems Ghana manages to maintain a vibrant and enterprising local bookstores and publishers. Companies such asAfram Publications, Adwinsa Publishers and publishing Wielerville are among those whose list includes books occasionally children.

In East Africa, the bulk of the book of the Children's Publishing exit from Kenya. The East African Publishing House in Nairobi, in particular an extensive list of image-pound full-color history has illustrated, as well as readers and traditional stories and folklore. Especially attractive is the series entitled"Lioncubs." Charity Waciuma, Pamela Kola, Asenath Odaga and Cynthia Hunter are among the most prolific writers in the EAPH list. Another productive is Children's Writer Barbara Kimenye, with the East African branch of the Oxford University Press, some titles are published by the centipede which Martha tells the story of Martha, who decided to get his nose full of sore feet, it was time to himself a pair of shoes.

The Kenya Literature Bureau of removal from the EastAfrican Literature Bureau has produced a couple of pounds for children among them Ray Prather's A is for Africa, a coloring book for Africa, contains forty full-page drawings, in which the different peoples of Africa, the small cards, which accompanied its geographic location.

Above all, Kenyan writer, Ngugi has Wa'Thiongo his Nigerian counterpart, Achebe, writing and publishing his first children's party, but later, in contrast to Achebe in his native Kikuyu language, butAs the great hero and the Flying Bus translating.

In southern Africa, have established Publisher Zimbabwe had a highly impressive collection. A government-supported private commercial companies, it publishes books on education, politics, literature and creative writing, history of Zimbabwe, but with books for children a good place. It fostered a wonderful magazine for children ANTS launched by a panel of Zimbabwe, the children, but I've learned a lotRegret has ceased publication more than 15 years.

Other publishers catering to the children here are Mamba Media and Zimbabwe Literature Bureau, the latter consists of a broad range of materials in Shona and Ndebele novels, poems, short stories, books, comics for children and materials for literacy development.

In Malawi, another company active in the development of children's books in indigenous languages published in the popular publications of Limbe.

In Lesotho, theChurch-sponsored Mazenod Book Center also has a substantial list of books for children in African languages,

In Zambia and Tanzania material is some of the children from the National Educational Company of Zambia and Tanzania Publishing House.
In South Africa began with the small local market can not make it possible to publish books in English to local children. English for Children's Books with a South African background or from a South African were usually writtenpublished in England. Written Jock of the Bushveld (1907) by Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, is generally regarded as a book, the first English South African children. . This was published in South Africa in the second half of the twentieth century. Only in the 1970s, local publishers have recognized the need for indigenous children's books in English and start the use of the market. This change has been about single-handedly by the novelist Marguerite Poland with her Mantis and the Moon, which wasin 1979. The rise in prices for imported books for children from the publication of indigenous materials more competitive. The political changes in the 1980s then brought the improvement of the quality of education of African children and the decision that they could receive tuition in English. This created a large potential market for English books for children, specializing in the number of publishers. At the end of the 1980s English pound children were in dealing with the prominentpolitical and socio-economic conditions in the country. The English Children's book was even more pronounced in relation to the criticism of apartheid. with authors such as Lesley Beak, Dianne Case and Lawrence Bransby taking the lead.
As a result of the small local market, there are few original books published with full color illustrations. Cooperation with foreign publishers and the simultaneous publication in several indigenous languages is often the only way to make a viable publication. Also,Publisher of books for children focus on the publication series, beginners and second language readers.
The change in the government of the country and the level of African languages to official status, one would expect that he led the development of children literature in African languages has taken place but for various reasons not already available. The rise of African consciousness and nationalism in the struggle against apartheid is more due to the LEDIdentification of English as the language of education and freedom. For many African children to read better in English, and in many African authors prefer to write in that language. Also, only a small minority among the African children to read for recreation. Some publishers still try to publish high quality books for children in African languages, but not for a lack of local writers, most books in translation from English or Afrikaans are.
This suggests that the problem of languageas another factor complicates the rapid development of children's literature in Africa. Forced to put the language of writers working in foreign languages they speak not really write raises the question of the writers who trained to write in their indigenous languages. But then it still creates a further problem, since some of the authors of the books are written in African languages can not distinguish between the concepts and approaches for adults outside the experience of children. Similarly,They use an off-putting adult language.

There is also an unhealthy attention to the different ages of childhood. For many more books are written for middle-aged (8-12), while very young children remain largely neglected. Very few books have been written for young people. One is Angi Ossai's Tolulope (1979). Another is the love of Joy IKED accession. The Kenyan Asenath Odaga work jande's ambition is about the choice of career, which should be a major concern at this age.Macmillan's Pacesetter series also appeals to young adults, but their works will be of varying quality, tangles with crime, espionage and love.

There is also the chronic absence of magazines for children in most parts of Africa. In Sierra Leone, the attempt by The Sierra Leone authors and illustrators to establish one does not survive his second question. However, the invaluable role they could play in inculcating the reading habits in the child due to their wideVariety of topics, is the form of presentation and the fact that children love to read what they have written their peers and begin to recognize the similar creative impulses.

Most parts of Africa are not book-friendly because there are few, if any bookstores where you can buy books for African children. Neither is his access to libraries, just like that, especially in rural areas. School libraries are a phenomenon of a distant past. Where public libraries are still present and functioning of theirSections children are badly housed, poorly equipped, poorly ventilated, poorly equipped, poorly staffed and poorly located. So there is an obvious need for a thorough overhaul of library services in Africa. And efforts should be made to make it an essential public service from the central to local levels of government to give it to each municipality the opportunity to access books and growing. Similarly, every school library, should be well sorted andwell equipped.

The distribution of the books is another area of difficulty. For this is typically left to private companies, although some governments to distribute textbooks in purchasing large quantities to schools. Wholesale Book is best handled by private entrepreneurs trained in the discipline. But the main problem is hampered, the book dealers tend to settle marketing methods with more countries with a high degree of competence, appropriate to restrict where the largerCitizenship has been transformed into pounds. In Africa, the publishers and book dealers can not afford to wait for the buyer to come to them. Rather, they must take their products to the people, wherever they are. In Tanzania, therefore, enterprising publishers take books to the local markets. It mingled with buyers books and enjoy lively discussions with the publishers on all aspects of the books. The huge sales at these exhibitions have proven the usefulness of such innovative measures. This typewill undoubtedly promote adult awareness of the need for literature.

Efforts to promote and sell books in the West could be extended with adjustments, if necessary, intra-African book distribution, so that more conditions for the high cost of books, will be reduced. Why are children in Nairobi, for example, to read literature published by a local publisher in Nigeria? Much is lost by the closure of the African ChildLiterature. In 1976 an attempt by African books from all parts of the continent at the second Pan African Trade Fair in Algiers collapsed sale, kept such books back than 4000, because the Algerian government imposed a 120% tax on the books, they also had had made expensive. These fares must be improved with communication and transportation systems to be removed to facilitate trans-African movement of the books.

The situation, however, prepared for the changes seemIntervention of a number of organizations and institutions, thereby supplementing the efforts of others, such as UNESCO that have worked diligently in this area. There is a wide network of organizations to support the growth of publishing in Africa focused. One of them is APNET is the network to enhance book publishing by Africans in Africa. APNET, in close cooperation with the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), and wassupported by Bellagio. The Bellagio Group of donors has been investigating ways to improve support for a range of cultural industries, which are hopefully some African books for African children, there is now recognition among politicians that the arts are an integral part of the book is much the key to development.

Book fairs in Africa were fastly to established institutions with a graded series of initiatives to restore the otherwise desolateCondition of the books in Africa. The Pan African Children's Book Fair (PACBF) began in Nairobi, Kenya in 1991 through the initiative of the Foundation for the Advancement of Children's Science Publications in Africa (GHISCI). The fair has tried to foster a learning environment that addresses and the African Child 's maintains inherent properties of the imagination, curiosity and creativity. It has created a dynamic atmosphere to enhance the preciousness of the books in the learning of lifeof the child.'ve through a variety of activities such as art, toys, fun with science, debates, quizzes, creative writing, storytelling and reading aloud, Kenyan children to love and comfort with this event are urged to identify with more and more each year. Introduced in 1994, a children's library as part of the fair continues to sharpen appetites of children by children who could not buy any books about the opportunity to read a few books at the fair. SinceIn 1994, the reading tent has been a great attraction for children visiting the fair. This is conducted in other African book fairs well emulate this innovation. Exhibitors have also steadily improved their marketing skills, reaching out to show the children in a proactive manner, and introduced it into the books with new titles. In 1998 PACBK had a spectacular advance with the individual stands at a mini-library. Yet another innovation - A Children's Home Library campaign - waslaunched with children respond with enthusiasm, buy books and promised to start their own home libraries.

The Zimbabwe International Book Fair has had another important incentive for the development of book trade fair in Africa.The1998 of particular importance because it was their theme and related Indaba 'BOOKS AND CHILDREN "
At the inaugural meetings of the Indaba is that has to be emphasized to the 1990s book production for children wasbeen weak, if not non-existent in some countries. But have been reported since 1987, a spectacular growth in the publication of the children in the European and African languages. Has in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria greatly increased production, especially in the last ten to twenty years. Conditions have also significantly from an average of 3000 to 5000 copies per title, with the possibility of frequent reprints.

This progress was due to the following:

1. The creativity of AfricanPublishers, so they produce well-made books for children in terms of content, production quality and price.

2. The continued extension of the state purchase of pounds for schools and libraries.

3. Tangible support is made available to the publication of book acquisitions and development agencies, international organizations and N. GO 'S.

4. Significant growth in sales due to the efforts of publishers make their books at the national level andinternationally.

5. The collaboration between publishers and distributors, the development of exports.
But despite these difficulties, still, or were created in the following areas:

1 Large differences between countries. The situation in South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania is very much better than in other countries in their regions. Stand in francophone West Africa, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali and Togoclear.

2 present difficulties in finding good authors and illustrators still exist.
3 readership is not sufficiently developed, given the level of illiteracy and the lack of a reading culture or custom.

4 Although there is a readership, the purchasing power is limited. For books are not as high priority in the fundamental basic needs.

5 The library network is not developed, especially in rural areas.

6 The distribution network is not developed.

7 The intensepolitical situation in Zimbabwe negatively on the favorable climate there created for the growth of the books are not only there but throughout Africa and Zimbabwe International Book Fair has deprived the international flavor.

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