Book > child publishing

Monday, March 28, 2011

FamLink - CPS newest weapon adjacent families part 1 / 2

FamLink is a new threat to American families and even just the parents in my research, then publish on USWGO than one page and then wrote an article on the basis of a testimony to this by C. Patience Summers a California reporter that is doing months of research and collection of information about a new enemy of parents everywhere as FAMLINK known. After her show on the Dr. Shirley Moore's Justice4Us radio show on BlogTalkRadio FamLink is a new national database,set slowly, very mysterious, how it works and what kept records, it will be granted from state to state, until the whole country in this national database that begin with social services instead of the states to manage their programs federalization is linked, and FamLink will store my personal record of every parent and foster parents, then even the police, Child Abuse Central Index (CACI), and even more the schools your permanent record. USWGO has decided towrite a series of articles explaining what the American people FamLink and now it will affect them, and even help to uncover these videos national database system, and will even send it as many messages as possible, including forums newsgroups Yahoo and Google. FamLink is a dangerous system that has to be stopped before CPS provides more power and more excuses to snatch children to be poor and good families. Dr. Shirley Moore Show: FamLink article ...

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