Book > child publishing

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Road Stalked Across America: The Road Stalkers Get Speed

Another vid showing road stalking snitches running from the camera like the cowards they are. If you're going to be a criminal, you risk being exposed. Is your neighbor, co-worker, colleague, child, parent, best friend, significant other, employer, doctor, dentist, mail carrier, cable installer, telephone installer, fellow church or club member or sub-contractor a snitch? If so, they may be snitching on you. © 2010.Dahna M. Chandler and Fourth Estate Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All other copyrights related to this video are copyright their respective owners. Video may be reposted, rebroadcast and republished ONLY in its entirety and with full attribution, including that related to other copyright owners. Derivative works require permission of creator.

Related : incarmonitor

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